Trade-in Form: Save up to $250
Offer Valid: August 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024
MONITOR vented kerosene heaters have been DISCONTINUED since 2011 and are NO LONGER AVAILABLE and OEM Parts are no longer being produced. For the hundreds of loyal Monitor dealers and hundreds of thousands of MONITOR customers, this has caused some confusion and anxiety. Fortunately, TOYOTOMI, the manufacturer of TOYOSTOVE and OIL MISER direct vent heating systems and water heaters is fully committed and eager to continue its vented heater and water heater business in the United States and Canada for the long term. TOYOTOMI has been in business -since 1949 and is the world's largest manufacturer of kerosene and fuel oil heating products and a leading producer of portable air conditioners.
TOYOTOMI would like to thank our long-time loyal TOYOSTOVE - dealers and customers for their support and welcome those new dealers and customers who may have formerly sold or purchased MONITOR vented heaters.
TOYOTOMI is excited about the future of TOYOTOMI- heating products. We believe that our products provide the most fuel-efficient heaters available. We have been distributing the highest quality kerosene and fuel oil heating products in the U.S. and Canada -since 1978. The TOYOTOMI- line of direct vent heating systems are of equal or superior quality to the MONITOR direct vent heating systems and most technicians feel our heaters are easier to service. We also have a more extensive line of heaters and, more importantly, we are the manufacturer of our heaters. Plus, TOYOTOMI - heaters are the only direct vented Heaters available that are Manufacturer-approved to operate with Ultra Low Sulfur Heating Oil/Diesel in addition to K-1 Kerosene and No. 1 Low Sulfur Fuel Oil.
Thank you again for your support. We, at TOYOTOMI, look forward to continuing to serve you now and in the future.